Saturday, February 04, 2006

Don't Go Away Mad

Every so often I check my Site Meter, just to see who's come calling to my blog, and I notice that an overwhelming number of hits are from people searching for stuff related to the television series The L Word.

So to all the confused visitors scrolling down this page, thinking, What the h-....: You all must be really disappointed. (You'd be even more disappointed if you actually met me, because I look nothing like those chicas on TV.) And I feel bad; I mean, you've just spent five minutes trying to Google some good dish on a favorite show, and this is what you get instead. But, see, it all started with this book called Reclaiming the "L" Word: Renewing the Church From Its Lutheran Core, and how I thought that'd be kind of an ironic allusion to use in my blog title, and...well...never mind.

The funny thing is, if I'd used my real name as a blog title, I'd probably get a ton of hits from people -- possibly many of the same people -- looking for stuff about a certain popular talk show. And then you'd be disappointed all over again.

So, anyhow, I just wanted to say to my random-access audience: I'm sorry. Better luck next Google, eh? Unless you also happen to be Lutheran, or ex-Lutheran, in which case I'd invite you to stick around, even though my life is incredibly boring and unfabulous and un-hot. (Well, my recent bout with the flu was hot, but not in a good way.) My life is, however, real, which is more than you can say for most TV, including reality TV. And other real people stopping by to say hi are always welcome.


Jeff Nelson said...

Your real name is Regis?


Cathy said...

I thought your real name might be Oprah ;)

Linda said...

I got here through the "next" button...I've made it a habit, thanks to my friend Suzanne, to "next" after I blog (now THAT sounds odd, doesn't it?). I am constantly amazed at the garbage I get...but your blog was a pleasant surprise.

LutheranChik said...

Funny thing: I grew up on a steady after-school diet of Mike Douglas and Merv Griffin, and when I was little I always wanted to be a talk show host.

I no longer aspire to that, but I think it would be kind of swell to have a charming, chatty musical sidekick creating an ongoing soundtrack to my life at appropriate moments.

Well, now I've told on myself...the secret is out. My real name is David Letterman.