We're pretty curious as to what this is going to be like. My own Bible of choice is the New Interpreter's Study Bible; I understand that the Augsburg-Fortress Bible is going to be more layperson-friendly, and with an eye toward providing commentary with a Lutheran theological point of view.
It will be interesting to see if this takes off in our congregations.
A couple of my profs are writing notes in that! Yay! Hopefully it'll be something that will aid in spiritual formation/study.
Please blog about the Augsburg-Fortress Bible when you've had a chance to become familiar with it.
The NISB is my favourite too.
I think it's a project whose time has come. One of the more amusing incidents of my lay ministry training was watching one of our visiting seminary professors, having asked the class for some alternative translations to his own Greek Bible, very bemusedly, and gingerly, holding one student's hearts-and-flowers-bedecked "Women's Bible," with God knows what sort of fundie commentary therein.
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