Friday, January 25, 2008

My Own, Personal, Pre-Vacation Friday Five

Since the RevGalBlogPals' Friday Five has been delayed, I thought I'd go ahead and compose my own Friday Five. Because sitting here shivering in my office (it's maybe 15 degrees outside, and seemingly not much warmer here -- my nose is actually red from cold), anticipating sunshine and warmth...needless to say not a lot of productivity is going on.

What are going to be some of your "firsts" on this vacation?
Lots. My first ride on an airliner (as opposed to a shaky little private plane). My first glimpse at palm trees not growing in a conservatory or mall. My first trip to a theme park. My first encounter with an ocean, when we travel over to Daytona Beach to meet up with more of my in-laws. With any luck, my first airboat ride. My first encounter with alligators not in a zoo or made into a purse. My first experience of all the stepkids/significant others in one place at one time.

What are you looking forward to most,themeparkwise? Otherwise?
With the disclaimer that I really don't know what I'm in for...I think I'm going to enjoy Epcot Center the most. Otherwise -- I'm sure I'll have fun on the beach. And we're very open to local things that aren't like the things we have around here; Fellow Traveler and I want to have some Cuban and/or Caribbean food; there's an orchid farm in the Kissimmee area we want to check out; we want to stop at the local roadside stands; we want to experience some of the flavor of the place outside the Magic Kingdom and blingy surrounds. The place where we're staying rents out cane poles for fishing in its lake; I might want to do that.

What is your mental musical backdrop to this adventure?
Reggae; Cuban music; Sheryl Crow singing, "I just want to soak up the sun..."

Does anything make you anxious about leaving?
I feel bad for Cassie, our golden retriever, who will be staying at one of our friends' home. We made a family visit a couple of weeks ago so Cassie could get acquainted with Maize, our friend's retriever, and get used to the house. Cassie loves our friend; was mildly interested but non-committal regarding Maize. We hope she won't be too traumatized when we drive away tonight.

What souvenir do you want to bring back from your travels?
A seashell I picked up my own self from the beach, and -- for fun -- the most incredibly tacky memento I can find.


The Simpleton said...

Bon voyage and traveling mercies, LC. We can't wait to hear about your trip.

Trish said...

Your "firsts" sound so much like my "firsts" that I composed a week or so ago.. :) I do hope you have an awesome time in Florida. And it's good to know you're "just" taking sand from the U.S. I may or may not have brought some sand back from the Sea of Galilee. Seriously though, make sure and "tell everyone to lighten up" (in reference to your Crow song) if things get out of hand with itineraries and stuff. Peace.

Processing Counselor said...

There's a great restaurant in Epcot that has a whole wall of aquariam. The food is good, too! Have fun.