Thursday, December 01, 2005

LC and the Gender Genie

Check this out: The Gender Genie

I submitted two writing samples to The Gender Genie: the last sermon I preached, on the feeding of the five thousand, and the draft of a maybe-upcoming blog entry lamenting the state of the economy in my neck of the woods. The Gender Genie deemed my sermon female and my blog post male.

Quelle surprise.

But LutheranChik just sounds so much better than LutheranFowl.


Christopher said...

Very cool. I checked out the articles I published on The Foundation, you, Allen, and anonomous were all male, while Katie was female.
Also, over at The Foundation I sumerized last month's issue and started up the december issue.

Out Of Jersey said...

I'm male. I am glad to hear that one. Though I wonder what one of my poems would get.

LutherPunk said...

I out in an essay I wrote on Heinrich Schmid's Doctrinal tagged me as male.

I also though in a poem after cubicle rev mentioned it, and it tagged me as male as well.

What I thought was interesting was the genie seems to be accurate a little more than half the time according to the self-reports. How hard is that?

Anonymous said...

According to the Gender Genie, the story of Jesus walking on the water in Matthew 14:22-33 was authored by a male, the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 was authored by a female, and the entire book of Ruth was authored by a female. Now, that was just the NRSV version. One wonders....

Anonymous said...

I went through a period a couple of years ago, when I was feeding the Gender Genie just about everything I wrote. It tagged me as Male about 75% of the time.

I found that strikingly accurate. ;-)