Here's what's getting ripe in my garden right now: Black Krim, Sausage, Red Calabash, Italian Climbing, German Striped, Matt's Wild Cherry, Yellow Pear, Garden Peach. The Garden Peach -- that's the round yellow one over toward the right -- is my new favorite. They actually are somewhat fuzzy on the outside, like a peach, and have a much more assertive, tangy flavor than any other yellow tomato I've ever tasted.
Variety is the spice of tomatoes!

Know anything about grapes? My vine is long, but no grapes! My fig trees have figs -- but how can I sit under my fig tree and under my vine without a fruitful vine?
Alas, my gardening expertise (such as it is) does not extend to viticulture.:-(
Marvel Stripes are a yellow-with-red-stripes tomato. I definitely think of dappled things when I eat one.
Although dapply apples are a little more common in my universe.
Charlotte: My favorite dapply apples are Duchess (which are ripe right now, and are pretty much unavailable unless you know someone with a Duchess tree in their backyard) and Strawberry...another heirloom with a very short season.
I'm very, very, very impressed!
All I could handle is two measely plants this year...and just a few tomatoes from each.
You've put my humble tomato garden to shame. Wow, just wow! My mouth is watering just looking at that photo.
This is so not fair. My biggest (ripest) tomato has just barely started turning a slightly more yellow shade-of-green . . . :-/
(On the other hand, my friend skittles has let me raid her new community garden in Beautiful Battle Creek, for several ripe beefsteak-types)
Word to the wise: tomatoes do not like Michigan shade (especially if they weren't planted until Memorial Day . . . maybe the first will be ripe by Labor Day? I can already tell I'll be picking a lot of greenies, to take in before the First Freeze {sigh})
On a brighter note: my Precious Cantaloupe is still coming along! :-D
They're beauties!
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