I gave this clematis plant to my parents many years ago, not that long after they moved to Cold Comfort Cottage from the farm. They planted it on the east side of the garage...and waited...and waited...and waited. It never amounted to much; I think one year it had some decent blooms, but then it fell into a decline, and pretty much remained a stringy little vine with a couple of flowers appearing on it in August. My dad wound up giving up on the thing and planting a trumpet vine against the trellis instead. But he left the clematis where it was.
I've thought about moving it, but haven't. And now it's surrounded by the trumpet vine and my rugosa rose. But this year, possibly because we've finally gotten a decent rainfall, and possibly because its feet are kept sufficiently cool by the other foliage, I got a few more blooms on it. I kind of like the way the vine snakes up through the other plants. So I probably won't move it after all.
The little clematis that could 
Two things I've learned the hard way about clematis: Give them LOTS of water - but only at the roots (too much on the leaves and they get all mildewy and rot) and lots of mulch at their feet. (This is why they do so well mixed in with other plants...they love the shade at the feet of the plant.)
Good luck!
Thanks! I should also mention that, living near a lake, despite having untold loads of fill dirt dumped on our property it's pretty much pure sand if you dig far enough...which makes growing anything a challenge.
I really love clematis. They are so elegant, and there are a lot of really interesting varieties.
There's one really profuse one that blooms in September, with small white blossoms all over the place. Can't think of the name right now. Sweet William, maybe?
Anyway, I bought a couple for one of the gardens at my former parish, and I still go back to see how they're doing! I got one myself last year, but it didn't bloom this summer - still too small. Something to look forward to. And yeah: they say you have to keep the roots cool above all.
No, I'm pretty sure it's this one: Sweet Autumn Clematis. Very hardy and not fussy at all - it grows like a weed without any tending at all.
And oh! What a heavenly scent!
Those sweet autumn clamatis are beautiful...every so often in my travels I'll see one planted on a decorative split-rail fence.
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