I got this plant at an end-of-spring clearance sale; a couple of pale leaves on a spindly stalk; one step away from getting tossed into the Dumpster. I brought it home, replanted it, and waited. And waited. And waited. Unlike other tuberous begonias I've had, this plant suffered from a definite failure to thrive.
But I hung in there. And a couple of weeks ago, it suddenly perked up and started sprouting more leaves. And this week it began to bloom.
My redeemed, renewed tuberous begonia

Awwww . . . it's just like Charlie Brown's Christmas tree! ("All it needed was a little love") :-D
Did you say...A Charlie Brown Christmas?...
"Oh, no -- I've killed it!"
[LC dissolves into boo-hoos]
(My CB line comes after yours: dry your eyes, Swee' Pea! *g*)
May I add, also, that your "tuberous begonia" LOOKS better than it sounds? ;-p
Hey - pretty blooms you've got there. Not sure if you are aware of this tip but I use it all the time to keep my blooms beautiful. Instead of throwing away my eggshells, I squish them through the hole of a rinsed out milk jug filled with plain ole rainwater (tap water works well too) The shells release something into the water and I use that water to put on my flowering plants. They are beautiful - try it.
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