Monday, March 09, 2009

Who's Intrinsically Disordered, Again?...

Let's see...if you're the mom of a nine-year-old who's repeatedly beaten and raped and becomes pregnant and you arrange an abortion to protect the life of the girl, you and the attending physicians are bad, but if you're the child-molestor/babydaddy, then not so much?

And these are the people telling me I'm "intrinsically disordered"?


Ringelstrümpfe said...

Why has the Church such a hard time with victims and survivors and apparently no problem with the abuser?
Maybe it's because "forgiving" the abuser makes you feel good, smart, and superior; suffering with the victim/survivor just shows you your blindness and iniquity.

What a sad story!

John said...

Yet another reason why Lutherans can't yet reunite with Rome...

Pastor Joelle said...

That is so wrong. I suppose "pro-life" doesn't include 9 year old rape victims either.

Scott said...

Yikes. There's just no other word for it. Well, no other word I'd feel comfortable posting here.

Gilly said...

Vatican's full of men inn't?
(A british expression designed to stress the obvious! ;) )

I can only agree with "Yikes"