Sunday, January 04, 2009

Family Addition

Yesterday we took Fellow Traveler's Aunt Helen down to the Detroit area for a visit with her sister Alice while we went over to Ann Arbor for a couple of hours to buy provisions at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. Helen and Alice are the two delightful ladies we drove to Cabela's in Dundee back before Christmas, whose hilarious conversations I blogged about then; FT tries to get them together about once a month.

To our surprise, when we returned to take Helen home, Alice presented us with two Christmas gift bags. "Open these when you get home," she instructed us.

After we got home and unpacked we turned our attention to these Christmas surprises.

On my gift tag was a little note: "CAN I BE YOUR AUNT ALICE TOO?"

Made me a little sappy. Still does today.


Jules said...

That? Very cool!

zorra said...
