Monday, February 02, 2009

I Had a Dream...

I had a dream last night that I was back in college, but still working at my office, which had relocated to my old dorm at MSU. (Note: I had chorizo chili, chips and beer for supper, which may have provided fuel for all this.) After wandering through the hallways, noting changes -- they'd gone co-ed, and built on specialty mini-dormitories including one for fans of women's golf -- I sadly trudged to the office, dreading the morning...and I promptly spilled a glass of water all over our receptionist's stash of greeting cards. She was gracious about the whole thing, especially after I offered to go to the card store and buy her replacements; but my boss just glared, rolled her eyes and jotted something down in her notes.

The really sad thing is, my reality is more or less like the last half of my dream, five days a week. I woke up feeling as if I'd already put in eight hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, moving on to dreams you would have on purpose, what would your ideal mini-specialty dorm be?