Sunday, April 10, 2005

As We Believe, So We Live...?

Melancthon, one of my favorite LutheranDudes in blogdom, recently wrote an excellent meditation on "Theology and Its Consequences" over at Melancthon Sins Boldly . Here's part of what he has to say:

If we imagine that the lost deserve God's wrath and receive it by God's choice, it's easier for us to justify our lack of compassion for the socially and economically disadvantaged, especially when they live in non-Christian parts of the world. God, by grace, will lift some out of their plight. The rest receive what they deserve.

But if instead our image of God is of one who cares obsessively for the lost, who would do anything for them, then surely we must be called to a different sort of action. What limit can there then be to what we must do to help our neighbor (in the universal sense) in need?

How do we reflect the love of a God who is madly in love with us? Do we?

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