Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year's Bloggalutions

Last night Fellow Traveler and I shared our lists of New Year's resolutions. It was an interesting exercise; some helpful intersections that will help us be good accountability buddies for one another, as well as some differences in theme that proved to be good discussion fodder. Some of our "stuff" involves self-care -- eating better, moving more. Some involves adding depth and breadth to our spiritual lives. Some involves getting smarter. Some involves wresting order from chaos in our living spaces.

Since it's the season for reinvention...hey, why not include my poor, neglected blog?
Here are some of of my ideas for the new year.

Consistency. I want to get back to posting every day, even if it's a short post or a link to somewhere else.

Structure. I like the idea of different themes for different days of the week -- not every single day, but little weekly touchstones, like the Friday Five.

Interactivity. Instead of posting my own Deep Thoughts all the time, I think I want to incorporate more questions into my posts, to get others involved.

Of course, as I post this I'm hyperventilating because one of my other resolutions this year was to say "no" to more commitments, not only or even primarily for my sake but for the sake of other people who wind up getting inconvenienced or disappointed when I try to do too many things at once. But I feel sorry for my blog, which I think this Christmas has languished like Charlie Brown's Christmas tree. It's not a bad little blog, really. It just needs some love.


Anonymous said...

First LC, I like your word blogalution!

I also like the idea of posting every day, with this and that posts - some heavy some light.

I like your Botanical pictures too!

Kathryn said...

It's a dear little blog, and your friends appreciate it. Love and blessings for 2007 xx

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that your blog has become significantly less educational in recent months, which is sad. It used to be about church and theology and I used to learn so much here. Now I learn about food and dogs. I have food and dogs of my own and so have found myself visiting the blog alot less.

LutheranChik said...

Anonymous: Well, if you visit less, then perhaps we both win.

Anonymous said...

Your blog rocks, LC! Keep posting whatever you like.

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

(you don't take constructive criticism very well, do you?)

You said it yourself - the blog has languished and needs something. You're right!

(OK, I said you are RIGHT - gonna be sarcastic now?)

LutheranChik said...

I admit that I don't take criticism well from someone who doesn't have the courage to identify himself/herself.

Although you should be relieved to hear that what I've posted is considerably milder than what the person reading your posts over my shoulder had to say.

Sue said...

I agree LC - nasty comments suck. They suck even more when the coward posting them won't even identify themselves. But you know all that...

It's your blog and therefore you are free to do whatever you like with it.

Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

another vote for you having a rocking blog!!

education and theology is everywhere--one simply needs the eyes to read it!:)

Anonymous said...

Anonymity is both the blessing and the curse of the internet. I find people (myself included) say things under the guise of anonymity they would never say in real life. Often it brings out the bully in us. I wish there were a way to disallow anonymous posting, so that we were forced to be real, and take responsibility for our words.

lutheranmom said...

Your blog is great, whether you are discussing theology, food, dogs, travel...I love it all...don't listen to mean people. Happy New Year!!

Sue said...

There is a way to block anonymous comments, I just can't remember how to do it.

Go to your dashboard and scroll down to Blogger Help and they should have instructions there.

chartreuseova said...

I want some of that consistent blogging:-) I enjoy reading it all (and I adore doggy photos), getting to know you and your little corner of the world.

zorra said...

Church and theology and poetry and food and dogs (especially dogs) and gardening and travel all rock. Blog what you love and have a Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

LC, I came back and read the comments on this posting since there were so many -- I think blogs should reflect who we are and what WE want to post. I enjoyed your blog when it leaned on the educational/theology side, but I enjoy it more when I see ALL of who you are (and my dogs like to read the dog postings since I believe Cody and our Chin are related) :)

LoieJ said...

Well, LC, some of your readers know that you had an event in the last year that makes a cloud over your life for quite awhile. I wouldn't expect anyone to be reacting to life without some changes, so Grace to you.